formation circles products recommendations Family Doctor Now
November 15, 2008
General Practitioner's Day
A study day focusing on drug prescriptions
'Information' by pharmaceutical industry? No thanks!
Broad platform against allowing 'public information' on medicines by industry.
Press release - Full text
Will you be our new colleague?
Quickly view the various vacancies at Domus Medica!
NRKP Quality Award
Register now for:
"Healthcare in Belgium"
"Day of the General Practitioner"
"News from pneumology"
more at further training
Quit Smoking
New e-learning module.
Stay out of the grip of Flu
Order 1 set of leaflets at postage costs in our webshop .
Interested in tackling psychosocial problems?
Domus Medica is organizing a new structured offer.
Science Day
Science in your practice; intersection between EBM and own expertise.
Consult the abstracts on-line!
GMD in palliative patients
From 1/10 GMDs may also be opened for palliative patients
Supporting quality
Domus Medica opts for a practice support program.
Practices sought
for European research on prevention. "EUROPREVIEW Patient Study"
Impulseo II in Staatsblad
The text of Impulseo II has been published. The die is cast. Domus Medica will help you with your application. more
Screening for colorectal cancer Flemish government wants to
reduce 'case-fatality rate' with early detection new recommendation , now also in HTML